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Jump Smart Toddler Trampoline - A Kid's Trampoline

Jump Smart Toddler Trampoline - A Kid's Trampoline

Our Price: $115 - Out of Stock
Part Number: TRJS

Jump Smart Toddler Trampoline 

This brightly-colored, fun, kid's trampoline is not just a bouncy good time. Soft handles create a more comfortable grip for small hands. It's a learning tool also. This JumpSmart toddler trampoline features a five-in-one multi-game sound system that makes learning fun. Counting, music, rhythm, special effect sounds, recognition and memory!
Five separate buttons create hours of enjoyment:
  1. You child will learn to count up to 100 as each bounce they make is counted by the trampoline.
  2. Jump for joy when the second button makes random silly noises every time your child jumps.
  3. Play a fun game with music. Continue jumping as long as the music plays, when the trampoline says, "freeze" stop jumping. Great for learning body control and listening skills.
  4. Jump along with the sounds of your favorite animal including a dog, pig and duck. Press the button to change the animal sound.
  5. Learn a counting game by jumping the number of times the Jump Smart trampoline says then pause and wait for your next number challenge.
  • 3 "AA" batteries required (not included)
  • Wrench not included
  • Jumping Mat Measures 27" x 29"
  • Measures 42" x 36" and holds up to 80 pounds
  • Speaks English only.

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Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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